Amanda Malusky Krauss
Associate Managing Director
- +1.312.606.3028
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Amanda is an experienced forensic accountant and investigator with over two decades of experience and leadership in fraud investigations, forensic accounting, investigative litigation support, and internal and human resources investigations. She has been part of Axium for more than a dozen years, and has been a valuable resource to Axium’s clients.
Amanda has served a diverse group of both public and private clients throughout the world, ranging from closely-held ventures to Fortune 100 companies. She has led and participated in numerous varied investigations, including financial statement frauds, SEC investigations, FCPA investigations, vendor frauds, employee frauds, procurement frauds, human resources matters, and general whistleblower complaints. Amanda has also provided forensic accounting and investigative support of litigation matters including federal civil and criminal cases, arbitration proceedings, and regulatory matters. Amanda is a seasoned interviewer. Amanda has courtroom and deposition testimony experience.
Amanda’s experience includes seven years with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where she was part of its investigations group. Her tenure with that firm also included three years in its audit practice, where her role consisted of responsibility for the planning, execution, and completion of audits.
Amanda frequently speaks on the topics of fraud awareness, investigations, and interviewing to a variety of audiences, including corporate executives and law firms. She has acted as the lead instructor for an MBA-level course at DePaul University, and also regularly provides guest course instruction at other schools.
Amanda is currently president of the Southwest Ohio Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Amanda is a co-founder of the annual Dayton Fraud, Cyber & Ethics Conference. She is also a member of the University of Dayton Accounting Advisory Council and the City of Oakwood Budget Committee.
Amanda is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.