How Can We Help?

Contact us to discuss your needs and objectives.


An image of the Kinzie Street Rail Bridge over the Chicago River, with the Willis Tower in the background. The bridge is in an upright position over the Chicago River to allow boats to pass.

Axium’s multidisciplinary team of professionals provides comprehensive investigative and intelligence services to assist clients and their counsel through all stages of litigation.

Axium provides timely, credible, and accurate information to help its clients secure the best outcomes in complex disputes.

Drawing on a broad range of expertise and experience, Axium investigates claims and defenses, develops facts and strategy, and analyzes data and financial information.

  • Forensic Accounting and Financial Record Analysis – Axium documents and assesses complex transactions, reconstructs financial events, and evaluates financial records and accounting matters.
  • Research and Background Intelligence – Axium drives the strategic course of litigation by providing background intelligence on witnesses and opposing parties. Axium’s experts conduct thorough research of public records and other available information to identify connections and develop facts central to our clients’ disputes.
  • Location of Witnesses and Crucial Interviews – Axium identifies and locates individuals who may have critical knowledge or information, and applies our team’s well-developed interviewing skills to obtain crucial facts.
  • Analysis of Critical Data – Axium professionals organize, review, and analyze data at the core of its clients’ disputes and challenges including financial documents, extensive email datasets, hard files, and forensically-imaged electronic data.

We have built strong ongoing relationships with leading law firms premised on the confidence they have in the integrity, effectiveness, and value of our investigative services.

Representative Law Firm Relationships

Let our experienced and capable team assist you in responding to your risks and challenges.

Contact Axium Consulting